Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2009

Today, Yi Si 乙巳, is the last day of the year in Gregorian calendar. As the clock tick past 12 p.m., we will begin the year of 2009. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best in 2009.

It has been satisfying year for me although things did not turn out as expected. Somehow it is a blessing in disguise which I am grateful and happy. I have started this blog hoping to get more people to be interested in the Art of Bazi, the Four Pillar of Destiny. These particular festive and holiday seasons that see my posts dwindling as I am very much in holiday mood. I will try to post more articles in my blog in the coming months. Hope you will find enjoyable and informative.

At the same time, I am working on my website on Chinese Metaphysics. The website will make it easier for people to find information on consultation services. I do hope that I am able to launch it soon.

Today is an excellent day with present of the Year Prosperity Star. Dong Gong Method of date selection site today as an excellent day. There are presences of auspicious stars like the Yellow Spiral 黄羅, Purple Sandalwood 紫檀, Heavenly Emperor 天皇 and Earthly Emperor 地皇 which herald good fortune in activities like burial, positioning a door, groundbreaking, marriage, moving into a new house, travel or opening for business.

According to the Twelve Officer Method of date selection, today is an initiate day. Therefore it is an excellent day to start or commence something like accepting an assignment, starting a new project as well as opening a business.

In addition the Si Snake is the Year Prosperity Star for Wu Earth Annual Heavenly Stem for 2008. It is especially auspicious day for Xin Metal day master person as the personal Heavenly Wealth Star is present at the stem with the Yearly Prosperity Star at the branch.

It would be a great day to start your New Year resolution for 2009 on today. Those who lack the good fortune in the year of Ox which begin in 4 February 2008, may want to take this opportunity to start rolling their projects or begin working on their resolutions to ensure the activities has a good start a head with a good footing.

While we close the chapter of 2008 with such an excellent day, how would it be in the beginning of 2009? The Chinese will always choose a good date to resume work after the Chinese New Year. How about the Gregorian New Year? Some of us will start work on the 2 January 2009 while those who take a longer leave will start work on the 5 January 2009.

According to Dong Gong Method of date selection, 2 February 2008, Ding Wei 丁未, is a very auspicious day suitable for all activities. However, the Twelve Officer Method of date selection sites it as a danger day where the day presence of danger stars, cause much uncertainty. Well where there is danger, opportunities are abound. For those who born in the year of Ox, you have to be extra careful as the Chou Ox clashes with the Wei Goat.

For those who start work on 5 January 2008, Geng Xu 庚戌, it is a Receive Day in the Twelve Officer Method of date selection. Dong Gong Method of date selection site this day only as fair with the presence of Heavenly and Monthly Virtue Stars. It is a day whereby you have to work hard and overcome obstacles to reap the returns. There may be minor good news. For those who born in the year of Chen Dragon, you have to work hard and overcome obstacles. This is especially true to the Chen Dragon clashes with Xu Dog.

A thousand thank you to all my readers. I wish you have a magnicifent Year of Earth Ox in 2009!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Chinese Astrology in the year of Earth Ox

As Chinese New Year will soon arrive, the Chinese will always check out their astrology signs to see how they fare generally for that year. Although it only contains 12.5% accuracy, it is still fun to read.

Chinese Astrology (Luck: Rank êYfrom 1 to5. Five is the best.)


General Luck: êêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘

Relationship: YY Health: ††

Overall luck is average this year. Be careful of your words to the people around and be more discerning when making new friends. The nobleman star is present to smoothen the way for you. Apart from relationship, health is main concern this year. Those born in 1925 and 1985 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êêêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘

Relationship: YYYY Health: ††††

This is a favourable year. Overall good luck in the area of wealth, relationship and health. Be alert and on the look out of possible robbery. Those born in 1962 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘

Relationship: YYY Health: ††††

Overall luck is not stable. Luck may fluctuate from good to bad through out the year. Be more vigilant on all aspect. It is a year to take a conservative stand. Those born in 1963 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘‘

Relationship: YYYY Health: ††††

Favourable luck this year with many auspicious stars. It is a good year to launch new project and expansion for those in business. Though you must be mindful of your words and action. There are plenty of help from your female colleagues and superior. For the guys, this year will offer many opportunities for romantic interludes and meeting the right partner.


General Luck: êêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘

Relationship: Y Health: †††

Present of both lucky and unlucky stars make an average year. Work hard, treat other nicely and you will be rewarded. Do not involve in gossips. Those born in 1953 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘

Relationship: Y Health: ††

Overall luck is much better than last year. However, this is not the year to make hasty decision and rush into matters. This will only bring difficult challenges. Relationship matters will not be stable this year. It is better to focus on your career this year. Take good care of your health especially those born in 1954 and 1942. You should do well this year.


General Luck: êê

Business / Career:  Wealth:

Relationship: Y Health: †††††

This not a favourable year for you. Be meticulous and vigilant on your work. Do not involve in any gossips. Relationship does not bodes well this year. There are many arguments. You may find yourself easily irritable so keep your tongue tie. Grasp any opportunities to travel as it might offer you chances to increase your luck.


General Luck: êêêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘‘

Relationship: YYYY Health: †††

Lucky stars shine on you. Possible good news in your career and also extra incomes are installed for you. Romance luck is also favourable. Overall health is good but for those born in 1932, 1980 and 1992 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘

Relationship: YY Health: †††

Good luck for the salaried employees this year. Potential promotion through your hard work and innovative ideas. It is a year to push forward your plan, strike hard and expand on all undertaking. Relationship luck is average this year but there are still chances to meet the right person with the same interest and intellectual. You are prone to injuries this year so take care. Those born in 1933 and 1993 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘‘

Relationship: YYY Health: ††

Both lucky and unlucky stars are present this year. There possible change in the job environment or you may decide to change job. However it is advisable to stay put as you may face the same problem in your new position. The present of nobleman will help you solves the problems. So preserve. Wealth luck is good this year. However, the present of unlucky stars may make you lose money. Go for donation. Those born in 1970 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êêê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘‘‘

Relationship: YYY Health: †††

General luck is good this year. Work life is good this year. Possible promotion and increase in income. For the business wealth luck is also good. Look for opportunities in oversea markets. Relationship may take a dent as you concentrate more on your work. So try to spend more time with your partner. Those born in 1971 and 1983 must take good care of their health.


General Luck: êê

Business / Career:  Wealth: ‘‘

Relationship: YYY Health: ††

There is a desire to change this year. You may also face many challenges. It is advisable to stay at your current company for those who are employees. For those in business there are many ideas and venue to increase your wealth. Manage your finance carefully and work within your budget. Relationship will continue to be stable this year with no major changes. Those born in 1924, 1972 and 1984 must take good care of their health. Do not visit hospital or sick people this year as it may affect your health as well.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2009 The Earth Ox (2009 己丑 Ji Chou)

I have noticed a lot of people searching for Astrology Outlook for the Ox year. The Year Pillar for 2009 is that of Earth Ox, Ji Chou. The Na Yin for the year is fire from thunder. From the sound of Na Yin, a hot and dryer weather is installs. Natural disasters like bushfire, volcano eruption and earthquake are also possible to happen.

If we look at the Year Pillar alone, the pictorial image will be of a cold and unproductive land.

Let takes a look at the Bazi Chart for Ox Year on 4 February 2009. The chart would look as follow:

The Day Stem reveals the Geng Metal, will be the prominent issue in Ox year. Geng Metal represents the West and also the banking and financial industries. It is rooted only in Chou Ox which means this Geng Metal itself is weak. In addition, it is flanked by two Bing Fires (Hour & Month Stems). In the controlling cycles, the Geng Metal is being controlled by Fire element. This tells us that the financial crisis that we face this year will continue to be the main issue for 2009. The US economy deteriorates further from the current mortgage and financial crisis. It will continue to be bugged down by the property issues.

The Ji Chou Year Pillar contains pure qi of Ji Earth. Although the property markets are bug down by the economy down turn, the Ji Chou year also presents great opportunities for those who can afford. The Ji Chou year provides opportunities to own a cheaper fixed assets and properties. Therefore, those who involved in buying and selling properties may see fair bit of activities in the year 2009 albeit at lower values.

However, this case may not be applicable to the construction sector. The construction industry involved two element that are wood and earth. In order for the wood to be useful for construction, it must be chopped by the Geng Metal. The Geng Metal is weak while the wood represent by the Yin Tiger is in abundance. Therefore, the construction industry is likely to face resource problems and high case of default in 2009. Those who wish to buy property on a construction basis may want to make sure that the company is on sound footing.

The Fire industry (Bing Fire) especially the stock markets will also face high competition and low demand. In the above chart, the two suns (Bing Fire) are competing for the control of the limited incomes, Geng Metal. At this point of writing, many of the analysts (water element) have been axed by the global research houses in view of a bearish market in 2009.

The present of two suns also spell problem for agriculture and plantation industry. It is likely a dry season for next year especially in the summer. Drought may be one of the problems that are going to face by the agriculture industry. It may lead to shortage of food and price hike. While at the same time the opposite may hold true as the Chen Dragon- Zi Rat combo that form water may cause floods which will cause difficulty to cultivate land for agriculture activities in the winter season. Thus, again there will be shortage of foods and result in price hike.

General Trend For 2009: The economy will slide down to a point of stagnation in later part of 2009. Fiscal and monetary policy that are undertaken to stimulate the economy will be slow to show result. Things will only start to pick up in the year of 2010 and turn better 2011. Expect the Earth Ox year to be slow, stagnant and unproductive.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Disaster strike at home

At the wee hour of 3.30 a.m., Wu Zi strikes again. This morning when I read The Star, the headline spelled Buried Alive – another landslide tragedy and a message from my classmate and friend, Chris Chan, prompted me to note down this event. I also noticed he has put up a similar article. Better still he has chart out the Highland Tower tragedy in year 1993 as well. You can drop by his blog to have more info and different view.
Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide
What does the chart on 6 December 2008 revealed?

Bazi Chart of Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide

  1. The Zi Rat and Hai Pig was half winter combo. The Zi Rat and Chen Dragon was also half combo that formed water. This indicates a very strong water element. When water is too strong the Wu Earth is not able to barricade or control the water. Again combo, clash and destruction mean movement. The land and soil from high hills (two Wu Earth on the Hour and Year Stems) were being flushed away by water a.k.a. landslide.

  2. The landslide was also trigger off by the heavy rain fall indicated by the Gui Water (Month Stem) with the continuously supply from Geng Metal (Day Stem).

  3. The Gui Water (Month Stem) and Wu Earth (Year Stem) also formed a merciless combination. This indicated the situation will be bad. Why do I say that? There are not many disasters in our country, Malaysia. We are pretty safe from most of the natural disaster so far. However, this was more to a man-made disaster than a natural one. The housing developer mercilessly cut down trees regardless of its environmental impact. Thus, the nature reciprocates to what we have done.

  4. The Hai Pig-Yin Tiger was also a combine-destruction formation. As I was writing this, the disaster already claimed 4 persons live and left many homeless.

  5. The Geng Metal (Day Stem) and Wu Earth (Hour & Year Stems and Chen Dragon on Day Branch) were 7 Killing and Wealth Stars respectively to the Yin Tiger. This point out that most of the victims were rich or with reasonable wealth, position and power. If you read the newspaper, most of them were professionals and businessmen. Datuk Thajuddeen Abdul Wahab, the principal private secretary to Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, was also one of the victims. Datuk Siti Nurhaliza is also living nearby and her cousin's house was crumble by the landslide.

Friday, December 5, 2008

2008 United States Property Bust (2008 戊子 Wu Zi)

Years of Turbulence (Part VII)…
Many things have happened this year. In the early part of the year, everything seems to be rosy has now turns bad.
I still remember the picture shown in Joey Yap's Good to Great in 2008 Seminar on 27 January 2008 that described the Wu Zi year. Although I can't produce the exact picture of that day, I have found something similar here to show you.
Wu Zi Pictorial Image
Motto of the year: "NOT CLEAR"
Expect the unexpected
The Wu Zi year is filled with many unexpected and unpredicted events and scandalous surprises. Things that you thought will happen turn out otherwise. Bewildering, startling and out of the blue are the words that can be used to describe Wu Zi year.
So what's so "NOT CLEAR" or so "Unexpected" in the Wu Zi year?

  1. Rice shortage sent the prices soaring up to 40%. In Pakistan, the price has even gone as high as 60%. A rice exporter told The Straits Times: "In my 25 years of trading, I have never seen such a bad position." Deadly riot broke out in Haiti over the rise in rice prices. Philippines went into rice rationing for fear of global rice shortage. Shocking news in deed.
  2. The stock markets around the world were at it all time high. People were riding on the euphoria of the stock markets' high and think it will go higher. The economic fundamental doesn't seem to matter. The properties in US were facing problem as early as last year. It quickly spiral into subprime mortgage crisis and financial crisis in US and other parts of Europe. As the news broke out many people are caught by surprise when the market took a dive. Somehow they are unable to see it coming. Or are they just plainly ignoring the fact?

  3. I also have my doubts. I was expecting the stock markets to come down soon as the stock markets activities have been overheated. However, when the market continued with its high early of the year I began to wonder would it ever come down.

  4. Tibetan unrest on March 2008 amidst the preparation of the Beijing Olympics. The Tibetans went into demonstration on 10 March 2008 and later on the protest became violent. The unexpected turn of events irked the Chinese Government. The Tibetan issue received wide western media coverage while the in China they try to play it down. The Chinese Government has been criticized over human right issue in Tibet as well as their way of handling the protestors. However, some of the western media reporting were misleading and cast a poor-light to the Chinese Government.

  5. On 2 May 2008, the Cyclone Nargis caused the worst natural disaster over Myanmar. 80,000 people were reported dead or maybe more. The Myanmar's Government simply stopped counting the dead to cover their inefficiency and to minimize political fallout. Relief efforts were also slow as the Myanmar's military rulers resisted aids initially.

  6. On 12 May 2008, the Great Sichuan Earthquake killed at least 69,227 people and rendered 4.8 million people homeless. China declared three days national mourning for the quake victims. The wind of change has never change faster in the media circle. From the criticism towards China Government over the Tibetan issue are now changed into praises for it efficiency and speed of sending aids to earthquake zone area. China also gained sympathies from the world from the disaster. Who would have thought that two big natural disasters will happen in such short span of time? The Cyclone Nargis and Sichuan Earthquake disasters were happened in 10 days apart.

  7. Thai coup d'etat in 2008
    Thai Coup De-tat 3 June 2008(Pictures from

    Thai Coup De'tat Wow! so cheerful. Thai's military coup d'états or what?
The political unrest in Thailand picks up it momentum as the year go on. Things become ugly. Look at pictures from

Thai Coup De'tat & Malaysia FRU
Eh! Why is our Malaysia's Police FRU doing in Thailand?? Oops! Wrong info. According to, the picture was taken during the FRU barricade outside the Malaysia's Parliament on 11 Dec 2007. No comments on why they were there! Personally, I don't know why too…
